Sunday, August 30, 2009

are you going in the store like that?

Things are going really well with Peter Pan. He loves Henry. ITs a good thing, because if I had to choose between Henry and Pan well......... Kidding. Pan has been such a help with Henry, taking him out without being asked, in fact he wants to hold him every chance he gets. Such bonus points. However, I could write a book on things Pan says that would offend a normal girl. Luckily I grew up with a Dad who has absolutely no social filter on his mouth so I am used to being picked on and generally can roll most comments off my shoulders if not too personal.  Well I was going to Target and perhaps Belk to check out the Lilly Pulitzer clearance. Btw they are no longer carrying that line, and I am devastated. Devastated. I digress. Well its Saturday in South Mississippi for goodness sake. I did not don my pearls, or roll my hair nor makeup for that matter.  Why should I when most of the other patrons have on house shoes and/or are hung over college girls. Anyways. Pan looked and me and I swear to you with conviction he asks " Are you going in Belk like that?"  Hell yes I am!!!!!! Its not Maison Weiss or Saks . Its Belk. I'm not gonna get better service or be looked at like I cant' afford anything. The sales clerks will sell me my clearance Lilly no matter what I look like. Until he buys make-up for me then he can't comment on my lack of wearing it. Cause just about anywhere I go during the day in Hattiesburg, where I don't know a soul, is without a doubt a waste of makeup

Puppy Love. Is it bad I want to keep him dehydrated?

So it has been a while since I have written. A lot has happened. I have reached my ultimate or rather  major goal in my life since College. I got a Puppy. Please meet Henry Jackson Liles. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and is just precious. I feel like Charlotte from Sex and the City. She had one and whats more, my precious Henry is much like Charlotte's Elizabeth Taylor--a reject dog. My adorable puppy was discounted because he is the wrong color. He is red with white markings and he should be white with red markings. It was meant to be. I can't imagine loving a child because I love Henry so much and I know that it does not even compare to having a child. But having him has also brought to mind what kind of Mom I will be. I think good. Not too nervous, but I have had some thoughts I think I'll share.
              Is it bad that when I put water in his bowl, I think well I better not put too much. Water =Pee. Also, I let him sleep with me the other night. Henry 1 Sarah 0. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The easiest decision I've ever made. Seriously. Dairy Queen

Today I made the easiest decision ever. In fact it wasn't a decision. It was instinct. To go or not to go to Dairy Queen. I was on my way back from Hattiesburg and  was thinking, man I really need one of those Girl Scout Cookie Blizzards right? Well low and behold, like a mirage in the desert (if you've been to South Mississippi you realize how true that comparison is) there is a sign for Dairy Queen 3 miles. HOT DAMN!!!!!! well when I saw the beautiful red building it was not a question of should I stop? Do I really need it? It was like I blacked out and found myself in a tagalong heaven of goodness. Then I went straight to pilates. It was worth it.

What they don't teach you in school.... despite the sh*t ton I paid (or mommsy and popsy paid) in tuition

Peter Pan and I watched The Reader last night (which I do not recommend,  I can get that deep, but prefer not too). Well anyways, for those of you who haven't seen it, I'll just tell you one thing I took away from it. The power of propaganda is strong. Kate Winslett's character ultimately sent jewish prisoners to their death, but couldn't necessarily at the time see the ultimate wrongness of it. She simply repeated, "well we had to make room." She had to choose some to die. well anyways. I found an odd correlation to the Nazi way of mind washing and law school. They teach you how to think and then after the war that is law school, you get out and find yourself thinking "but I have a law degree, they said my future was set." Nope. Like Kate Winslett's character I was so entrapped in the law school way of thinking I couldn't fathom the idea of actually finishing and life not being some idyllic fairy tale. Law School, Check. Job, Check. Happiness Check.  
I know I'm not alone. Whether you went to law school or not, you know that times are tough and the future is not mapped out. I'm making a resolution to trust in God and give my worries to him. This is more deep than I thought I would get on this Blog, but I need to be held accountable by like minded believers that God is in control. Not Sarah. 

Friday, August 7, 2009

Romance and Love

Romance or love is never having to say you're sorry. According to the academy award winning film (or in my mind it is) "The Wood" Its the last bite of food. Well for me and Peter Pan, its giving me the bathroom first after an evening of mexican food. Yes, thats right. Priority over the potty. Peter Pan and I reunite after a long hiatus from quality time due to studying and the almighty Golf. (notice the capital G) We have a nice meal of Mexican food. Typical shitty service and watered down margaritas but a nice meal nonetheless. We met some of his friends and were in the parking lot exchanging  pleasantries and on the way to the car, we both exclaim. "Lets go straight home." We are in a real quandry. Two needs, one bathroom. Uh Oh. He says well I can prolly stall and lets me go first. Thank you. It was better than all the flowers and candy in the world. Oh and also, I have been thinking and perhaps Peter Pan is not an appropriate name for him. I thought of it because he is tall and a big kid sometimes, not seemingly grown up and i'm very short ie. tinkerbell. I don't want it to be mean spirited. So maybe I need to come up with a more pc nickname. I'm thinking perhaps Baloo  like from the jungle book. he's huggable and makes me laugh. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

little background

I have returned from the dim world that was law school and have even come out, although tentatively, of my study cacoon after the bar exam. I decided to begin writing this to a)be funny b) witty while informative c) I am tired of stalking others on their blogs so thought I could be stalked myself. Even if it is just by my sister and her friends.  Although, this blog might be missing the cute adorable baby pictures, but i'll try to keep up. 
I don't know a lot about the real world right now. I'm just getting back to somewhat being  able to be taken out in polite company without being all socially retarded. The bar will make you that way. I was homecoming queen for crying out loud and now, I'm having trouble balancing a simple conversation that requires yes and no answers. WHY WHY is this. I'll tell you. I don't watch tv and every single conversation has some hidden legal meaning or problem that I get wrapped up in. Its a bad habit for which I am in rehab ie.Tabloid magazines and liquor . Its starting to work I think. Yall tell me. More is to come on this blog.