Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What they don't teach you in school.... despite the sh*t ton I paid (or mommsy and popsy paid) in tuition

Peter Pan and I watched The Reader last night (which I do not recommend,  I can get that deep, but prefer not too). Well anyways, for those of you who haven't seen it, I'll just tell you one thing I took away from it. The power of propaganda is strong. Kate Winslett's character ultimately sent jewish prisoners to their death, but couldn't necessarily at the time see the ultimate wrongness of it. She simply repeated, "well we had to make room." She had to choose some to die. well anyways. I found an odd correlation to the Nazi way of mind washing and law school. They teach you how to think and then after the war that is law school, you get out and find yourself thinking "but I have a law degree, they said my future was set." Nope. Like Kate Winslett's character I was so entrapped in the law school way of thinking I couldn't fathom the idea of actually finishing and life not being some idyllic fairy tale. Law School, Check. Job, Check. Happiness Check.  
I know I'm not alone. Whether you went to law school or not, you know that times are tough and the future is not mapped out. I'm making a resolution to trust in God and give my worries to him. This is more deep than I thought I would get on this Blog, but I need to be held accountable by like minded believers that God is in control. Not Sarah. 

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