Friday, August 7, 2009

Romance and Love

Romance or love is never having to say you're sorry. According to the academy award winning film (or in my mind it is) "The Wood" Its the last bite of food. Well for me and Peter Pan, its giving me the bathroom first after an evening of mexican food. Yes, thats right. Priority over the potty. Peter Pan and I reunite after a long hiatus from quality time due to studying and the almighty Golf. (notice the capital G) We have a nice meal of Mexican food. Typical shitty service and watered down margaritas but a nice meal nonetheless. We met some of his friends and were in the parking lot exchanging  pleasantries and on the way to the car, we both exclaim. "Lets go straight home." We are in a real quandry. Two needs, one bathroom. Uh Oh. He says well I can prolly stall and lets me go first. Thank you. It was better than all the flowers and candy in the world. Oh and also, I have been thinking and perhaps Peter Pan is not an appropriate name for him. I thought of it because he is tall and a big kid sometimes, not seemingly grown up and i'm very short ie. tinkerbell. I don't want it to be mean spirited. So maybe I need to come up with a more pc nickname. I'm thinking perhaps Baloo  like from the jungle book. he's huggable and makes me laugh. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny.. I love that you are sharing your bathroom needs with the blogging world. You failed to mention that you each have a flatscreen in the potty room and that yours was actually given to you and installed by Peter Pan.