Thursday, August 6, 2009

little background

I have returned from the dim world that was law school and have even come out, although tentatively, of my study cacoon after the bar exam. I decided to begin writing this to a)be funny b) witty while informative c) I am tired of stalking others on their blogs so thought I could be stalked myself. Even if it is just by my sister and her friends.  Although, this blog might be missing the cute adorable baby pictures, but i'll try to keep up. 
I don't know a lot about the real world right now. I'm just getting back to somewhat being  able to be taken out in polite company without being all socially retarded. The bar will make you that way. I was homecoming queen for crying out loud and now, I'm having trouble balancing a simple conversation that requires yes and no answers. WHY WHY is this. I'll tell you. I don't watch tv and every single conversation has some hidden legal meaning or problem that I get wrapped up in. Its a bad habit for which I am in rehab ie.Tabloid magazines and liquor . Its starting to work I think. Yall tell me. More is to come on this blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome!! and yes you do have trouble with basic social interaction. Hence the retard face and "hmm??"( u know what im talking about)